
2 + 2 = 4 and Procrastination

Have these two expressions got something in common? Let’s see…

2 plus 2 is 4 and everybody knows this.

And if you do something for a long time, then this becomes habitual. You start changing. In the good way or in the bad way — that depends!

In my case, it was not ‘desired’ but inevitable. You do the math!

And I am talking about years not about random numbers or hours or days; but years.

If you are full of energy and have plenty of ideas but cannot realise these, this energy becomes destructive. And this leads to PROCRASTINATION. And if you are an artist in nature, it becomes even worse!

What to do then?

If this is happening, stop in time. If you are at the beginning and you realise you do not want to be in this equation above (!) make a U- turn. Do not wait, believe me, time is sneaky and flies away!

Let’s say you could not stop this  (I am making a point, I did not say prevent this from happening as I know sometimes it is out of our control :) Sometimes? Most of the time!

But having been in this state, I can easily lead you out:

  • use the NASA method: 5-4-3-2-1-0 and go! Start it, whatever this is! (Prevents you from sabotaging yourself)
  • Slowly put in some 10 or 15 minute quality time for yourself. Make this a habit. Do it more than 21 days. Make sure it is something enjoyable for you
  • Balance work and your own life (the time slot only for YOURSELF. Be selfish in this regard if they call it that way! That is essential; it is your prescription) We do not want to be out of balance, that is against our nature
  • Create time for a chat with friends and people you like
  • Do not ever leave your hobby if you have one because that is your link to sanity :)
  • Have some time outside only with yourself, to get out of your current circumstances or just to breathe
  • Definitely exercise or be active. Think about your neurons! ( if you do not feel you have the time for sports and cannot create it or afford it, walk instead of getting a bus or a car)
    (The only thing I never left (but neglected at times) has been my breath work and yoga, even if that was only for a little time)
  • Visualise
  • Believe. This might be the hardest of all. Especially if it is difficult for you to believe. But this is the golden key. So, work on it. This is the only thing I cannot help you with. Try different means. Trick yourself. Make it happen. You can do it.

The list seems endless but it actually is not. Look above :)  If you feel you do not have the luxury of taking time to do the above mentioned things (which actually is quality time, not luxury) just do the HOBBY that keeps you alive, mindfully, slowing down and breathing slowly in and out. 3 for 1 :) Cling to it as if this is your lifesaver. What I loved about the French poet Baudelaire, (whose poems I read when I was at University) was that he said:

Get drunk. Get drunk with the thing that you love. And now I understand even more what he meant to say.

It is never too late. Making this our philosophy is key.

Almost 2 years of the pandemic plus 2 more years that is 4 years; too long to be in it and when looking back. I thought I was losing my mind & running out of time & energy. I felt like an old battery. This winter I was lost.

But after winter comes spring and summer.

Do not wait for too long. Funny but true, I started from where I stopped : )

Wo sind wir stehen geblieben? :) where was I ?

Mmmmmmm… I love new beginnings! Keeps me alive! It is adventurous and fun!

Wait, I am coming !!! 😉

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