Wow!! That’s so interesting !!! When I was thinking about writing ‘Wish me luck!’, I thought what came to my mind was completely irrelevant! However, it isn’t!!!
The title reminded me of the cigarettes once my friend had found and gave to me to try (taste) :)…Those were from India and had the flavour of cloves….I can still remember the golden colour package and the smell, even though it has been more than 20 years! ; ) Of course I loved it, as did my friend! And I loved the name even more, ‘wishing me luck’ ..
What coincidence, this Indian cigarette has a relation to my luck and to my situation…You know the cliche saying: ‘being in the right place at the right time’. Nearly all of us grasp this as something that slips out of our hands…Either we’ve thought this only exists in books or films, or we have been way too far from it…
But strangely, I have always believed in its existence.. I have been someone who has always run ahead of things, not behind…In this particular thing, I was ahead again…But now I believe I am in the right place at the right time. There are so many indicators for this. I have followed the signs, and belive that these are meant to be. But the only thing I need right now is the element of ‘luck‘.
Wish me luck!
Technology has improved, lives have, experiences have, minds have… I have the will again to try it. My heart and mind is still in London. I just need the ‘Indian’ factor on my side..